Katana Sol, HenRy John, and Noah Crow, 10 week project
Objective: Create a product or experience for content creators 10 years down the road
Current creator struggles
Doing it all
Doing it all
Mental health
Mental health
Sedentary lifestyle
Sedentary lifestyle
Based on our research insights, we came up with these design objectives
Design healthier work environments for content creators
Design a way to reduce the workload required to create and share content
Design a way to streamline the interface between the creator and their tools
Design a way to simplify organization, management, and curation
Meet our users: Maya, Ian, and Hailey
Maya is an outdoor vlogger, 29, and from Portland. Mountain biking and hiking are Maya’s favorite activities, and she shares her first-person excursions on multiple video platforms
Ian is a streamer, 19, from San Francisco. With a love of Minecraft and computer gaming, Ian posts his streams on Twitch and edits them to post on Youtube.
Hailey is a lifestyle influencer, 22, from Seattle. If she isn’t taking pictures of her new favorite pastry shop, Hailey is making sure her insta-quality photos are perfectly edited in Lightroom.
All three share a common struggle: they hate the process of editing content.
Long, frustrating hours spent stuck in uncomfortable positions make the editing experience a pain point for all content creators
Maya's day out
At the end of the day, Maya wishes she could be out having fun on the trails
Initial concept generation
From our initial ideation, we narrowed in on two main concepts
Streamlined web of connection
Mobile editing and curating
Additionally, our research led us to direct retinal projection
Using eye tracking, direct retinal technology projects the display into the user’s eye without the need for screens or glasses
Mood for device ideation: tactile touchpoints, soft edge treatment, geometric forms
Data collection device and AR component for editing/viewing ideation
Physical Prototyping
AR device ideation
Exploring unique forms
Unobtrusive nose bridge 
Uses direct eye retinal projection 
Can be worn alongside glasses/other gear
Cache ideation
Concept: Cache as case and charger for AR device
From computer to Cache
The display is now a direct eye projector, and the hardware is a portable device
Meet Cache.
Wirelessly connect devices to the Cache for on-the-spot file transfer
With a pocket-sized profile, Cache is designed to record and edit on the go
Slide to open...
...and meet your AR
Glowing interior indicates AR charge
What's inside?
Retinal projection devices 
Tech fabric nose piece 
Slide-out drawer and charging dock 
PCR Polycarbonate shell 
USB-C port 
Let's return to our users
How does Cache improve content creation for Maya, Ian, and Hailey?
Cache. For content collection and editing.

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