Teaching children to cook has long-lasting benefits...
...and young kids are highly capable.
However, cooking with kids is difficult!
“I still wanted my kids to learn how to cook and be involved in the kitchen, but I wasn’t sure how to manage two different developmental ages and grow their skills at the same time.”
  -   Katie Kimball, mother of 4
“It’s ridiculously stressful. You constantly have to be on high alert for potential catastrophes.”
  - Ian Mendes, father of 2
Current kitchen products for kids are limited in scope and application with a low priority on minimizing mess and stress.
A good design should minimize mess and be easily cleanable, inspire belonging and encourage confidence in children, and integrate into existing kitchens.
initial explorations included trays, stations, and ways to bring a child to the counter or the counter to the child.
This led to two main avenues: a nesting bento-box style approach and a portable backsplash display.
pegboard backsplash
laser cut living hinge
self-containing unit
various methods of hanging and storing
Where and how will kids use it, though?
Learner towers are a current popular solution, and are optimized for kids aged 18 months to 3 years.
However, many problems are left unsolved.
Enter: sous!
a more compact, space-saving approach that still prioritizes safety
sous! works as a self-contained system to integrate children into the kitchen. 
sous!'s height and contents are catered to kids aged 3 - 5
body is made of bamboo, a fast-growing, sustainable material
blue accent identifies touch points (where to place feet) and provides a pop of color

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